Running styles vary according to distance, terrain and body type. Here are some helpful tips on how to maximise your ability to run strong and efficiently.
1. Posture
- Stand upright with a gentle lean forward
- Look straight ahead (unless you are on uneven terrain)
- Avoid twisting your body
2. Run Quietly
- Visualise yourself as a ninja sneaking up on someone
- Your feet should touch the ground directly beneath you, not out in front of you
- You should avoid slapping ground with your feet, or pounding with your heels
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3. Kick the Dust Behind You
- It is much better to kick behind you than reach out in front of you to lengthen your stride
- Don’t over-stride – this can cause Shin Splints, Achilles problems, ITB pain and hip flexor pain
4. Speed up those steps (Cadence)
- Think 3 steps per second (180 beats per minute)
- Run in time with fast tempo music
- Keep the same tempo whether you are running slow or fast
The Podiatrists at Posture Podiatry have a thorough knowledge of running and can help you by:
- Assessing your running style and gait;
- Ensuring your joints are are free from restrictions;
- Examining muscle function to ensure strength is sufficient;
- Recommending the most suitable footwear; and
- Giving you helpful running drills to get the most out of your run.
Other running tips to keep in mind:
- Avoid over-striding – studies have found a higher cadence (approx 180 steps/minute) can decrease loads at the knee joint and may help to avoid other problems including shin soreness.
- Correctly fitted footwear is extremely important and running shoes should always be properly fitted.
- Lacing shoes securely can help to improve support & avoid slippage. The lacing system often acts as part of the supportive design of a shoe.
- Stretching after activity has been associated with a reduced risk of injury.
- Socks with running play a very important role in helping to prevent lesions such as blisters and calluses. They can also help to limit perspiration. Specific brands such as Steigen and Lightfeet are designed specifically with these activities in mind.
Enjoy your running and know we’re here when you need us to ensure your feet and legs go the distance.
Run Better!
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